Friday, June 27, 2014

Camera fun with Sasha

Hi my pals, Mommy and I were just having a little fun with the flashy beast. 

I didn't mind actually, sometimes it is fun to be a model.

I am done, that is enough, I need my rest now.

Have a good weekend!!

Loveys Sasha


Anonymous said...

I understand completely, being a little prima donna requires a lot of work, all that posing and trying to look happy about all that attention, just wears one out!

The Mad Scots
We are FINALLY BACK online, what did we miss?

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

You are s supermodel for sure Miss Sasha!!!

Dory, Jakey, Arty & Grrrrs from Bilbo!

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Those are really cute Sasha! Have a great weekend.

Millie and Walter said...

You are a SUPER model Miss Sasha!

Taffy said...

Posing for the camera and modeling requires lots of treats, right?

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

You make a beautiful model!!

Kinley Westie said...

Just as long as ya get paid in treats, BOL!

SquirrelQueen said...

Since you are a famous supermodel we thinks your Mommy was lucky to get this much of your time Sasha. You deserve a nap after all that hard work. Maybe a few treats too.

Kitty Kisses,
Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

Idaho PugRanch said...

Supermodeling can be so tiring!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Sashy- you get cuter and cuter and cuter!

Ruby said...

You GO GURL!!! Lookie at your most beautiful face!!! I loves your snooter! Ma says you are just irresistible and she totally understands why your Moms wants you to be her SUPER MODEL! Yeah, I have to agree! You gawguss gurl!
Sweet dreams...
Ruby ♥
pees: remember...you don't gets outta bed for less than 87 thousand treaties!

Sweet William The Scot said...

Sasha I love that second picture. It looks like you are talking to you Mommy. You are so photogenic. Your blog is all ready for the 4th.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Rest??!! What about the treat?

XXXOOO Bella Roxy & dui

Duke said...

We never mind posing for the flashy beast if treats are involved - lots of treats! We hope you were paid well, Sasha!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Cowspotdog said...

it is so tiring being a model but you are so cute - it is the price to pay :)

Murphy said...

Did you explain that models are paid a lot of money?

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Sully said...

You mean, you need your beauty rest.

Aroo to you,

bichonpawz said...

One can only handle SO much posing...we know!!

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello sasha its dennis the vizsla dog hay beeing a model shoor is hard wurk!!! ok bye

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

That looked like a fun photoshoot.