Thursday, May 2, 2013

Catching Up and Stuff Like That

Hi my pals, I have a few pictures to share with you. I just want to get caught up on some of the recent activities at my place. 

Look who stopped by for a visit. It is Miss Daisy, my sweet Angel Remingtons secretary.
 We had a very nice visit and then she had to go and visit other pals.

 Isn't she beautiful??

 Can you see my Mommies favorite daffy flowers behind her??

Mommy got such cool foodable gifts for her birthday. 
The fruit was sooooo good, I got to share some and the popcorn was crazy good.

Mommy is crazy go nuts for Wolverine(well Hugh Jackman in general), she says he is "hot" and makes all kinds of goofy embarrassing noises about him. 

Sorry about the open potty door behind him, does no one have any class around here??
 My Sisters Boyfriend,  got her this for our house. 
Sheeeeeeeeeesh, now we have to hear about him all the time.
 Whatever, as long as she is happy, I guess.

This is pretty much my opinion of the whole thing. I did like the goodies though.
 My Sister is kidnapping taking Mommy away for the weekend so I  will probably starve won't be around much.

Have a nice weekend!

Loveys Sasha
 p.s. I got photo bombed by stuffies!!!


GizmoGeodog said...

There's a lot going on at your house Sasha...Miss Daisy was nice to stop by and the foodables look great...But that Hugh guy is kind of scary looking...has he growled at you yet? Happy Birthday to your Momz and have a wonderful weekend

tubby3pug said...

What a pretty dear, and the Wolverine is pretty funny! Enjoy

urban hounds

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Our Mom would SO enjoy all that fruit - very nice pressies.

And sweet Miss Daisy - how nice of her to stop by. We bet Remington whispered in her cute ears to come for a visit.

Happy weekend.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi Sashy
One of Miss Daisys friends live here too!
So many happenings going on at your house!

GOOSE said...

How nice of Daisy to stop by. Oh I love fruit and that fruit looked yummy yummy.

Millie and Walter said...

You've been busy Sasha I can see why you would need a nap.


Anonymous said...

That's OK Sasha, you just rest up and will we see you next week, maybe you can get into those goodies while SHE is gone!

The Mad Scots

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We think your Huge Jackman poster (?) might be a bit scary at night in bad light...just sayin'.

Be sure they leave the combinations to the fridge and treat jar when they abandon you.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

We love Hugh too - but I'm with Daisy and Co. - that poster is a little skeery!!

Who's looking after you this weekend?

Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

Unknown said...

Nice of Miss Daisy to pop over. No worries we see you when we see you. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

Duke said...

The fruity flower arrangement looks soooooooooooo yummy!

Love ya lots
Mitch and Molly

Anonymous said...

We hope your Momma had a wonderful birthday and that she enjoys her weekend!!

Anonymous said...

That deer looks really cute :) Those foodables look yummy, lucky you got some :) hope your mom had a wonderful bday!!

Unknown said...

Miss Daisy is lovely...such long legs!

Happy barkday to your mom - we hope she brings you a pressie back from wherever your sister is taking her.

Wally & sammy

Lovable Lily said...

Oh those foodables look so yummy! Butt not as yummy as possum pizza mind you.

Having a life size thing-a-ma-bob in the house would truly scare the poop right outta us in the middle of the night. He is mighty handsome tho.

How beautiful that Miss Daisy stopped by for a visit! Perhaps she came to deliver a special message from a very special someone.

Hope Mom has a great girls weekend. We can't wait to hear all about it.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Unknown said...

Oooooh, nice stuff! Have a relaxing weekend Sasha!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

Two French Bulldogs said...

We agree. The only thing bad about those foodables in the bag is when they accidentally fall on the floor, we catch them, try to swallow them whole than choke
Benny & Lily

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

We are THRILLED that Miss Daisy stopped by to visit.

Your mom must have had the most MAGICAL of Birfdays..EVER a PEEP could have. Hope she has a fun weekend.

Sketching with Dogs said...

Ohhh, we loved to see Miss Daisy, she is so pretty and delicate.
Mum could have eaten the computer screen when she saw that fruit, drool.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Mary Lou said...

I'm back!! At last, I am finished working on Little Miss Secretive Writing Project!! It feels so very good to be back soaring through Blogville again!! ;)
Well, hello, Miss Daisy!! Long time no see!! How have you been? ;)
Your Mommy is "crazy go nuts" about Hugh Jackman. I love Robert Downey Junior. So I understand!! Trust me. ;op
Love, Raelyn.... Plus Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

The Army of Four said...

We're trying to get caught up! I can't believe how much we've missed! We are SO thankful you survived the grooming thing. Mom keeps looking at me and mentioning the word "bath". Fortunately, it's been way too cold for that lately!
It was so sweet of Miss Daisy to come see you!
Play bows,
PS: Happy belated birthday to your mom!

bichonpawz said...

We hope your mom had a wonderful birthday!! Those fruit bouquets are the BEST!! And the popcorn looks pretty good too!! Hope all is well with you...we are a bit behind in reading blogs since we have been away!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

My peep is jealous of your Hugh... BOL!

Reuben said...

Wow.... popcorn, dangerous deer and abandoning mamas? Oh man you gots a lot going on over there Sasha, I hope your mama returns swiftly and with lots of foodstuffs for you. And happy belated barkday to her!


My Mind's Eye said...

Hey Sweet Sasha...mom thinks Hugh is pretty cute too...his ripples have ridges.

Reminder your interview is up today
Hugs Madi your BFFF

Marg said...

Oh Sasha, we are so glad to meet you. You are one cutie patootie. And Miss Daisy is gorgeous. Wasn't she nice to stay still long enough for that great picture.
We hope the Mommy had a good week end and lots of fun. Good to meet you. Take care.

My Mind's Eye said...

Sasha for some reason google reader is not putting up our new post today about your interview. Only a handful of folks have been able to read it.

We understand the only way you can see it is by clicking on our name when we leave you a comment.
Mom and I will repost your interview Sunday May 12. It is such a GREAT interview we want to be sure everyone sees it.
Hugs madi your BFFF

Unknown said...

Happy belated birthday to your Mom!! I think your Mom has some pretty good taste :) BOL! Love Miss Daisy too!