Saturday, December 22, 2012

Gotcha Day 2012

Hi my Pals, today is a very special day for me. A little more than nine years ago I was a very sad and confused girl. I was born in a puppy mill(grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr for puppy mills) and then sold to a pet shop. I was there for a short time and some people took me home. I thought this is ok, I am not in a crate anymore and I have peeps to pet me and give me loveys.

That didn't last long, after a few months one day they put me on my leash and took me for a car ride. I was excited at first, I hoped we were going for ice cream. I was wrong, they took me to a place called "The Humane Society" and just handed me over to them and said, "here we don't want this puppy mill reject, she doesn't listen". Well I must tell you that they didn't try very hard to help me. Some people shouldn't ever have pets.

The Humane Society called a local rescue group and they came and got me and I got to live in a real nice ladies home. She had another pal and some little two leggers and we all got along. She got sick and couldn't keep me anymore so I went to live with another lady, who was good to me also, but by now I was afraid to trust anyone.

That lady put me on my leash one day and we went to the car. I got real scared and thought, "here we go again". When I got out of the car at a building I saw a man and lady and they looked really happy to see me. The lady was crying and smiling and she had a toy and some treats for me. The man looked happy too, we went in a room and they sat on the floor and played with me. The lady smelled so good and she kept saying how pretty I was and that we were going to be good pals. I was confused, but I also had a good feeling. After they talked to some people and gave them some green papers, they put me in their car.

We took a ride and came to a house and the lady said "Sasha, this is where you are going to live forever now, no matter what we will never give you away, you are my girl now and please call me Mommy". It took me a little while to believe her and I must admit I was kind of sassy at first. I even bit my Daddy once and barked a lot. That is all just a memory now. I am the happiest pup in the world. My family loves me so much and they never give up on me, even when I am a bit sassy. Their love is unconditional.

That is my story and I only hope that every pal finds a furever home like mine. Someplace where you can be you, no matter what. Someplace where car rides are a good thing, like a trip to Dairy Queen or the park. I still have separation issues, but I am so happy all the time.

Thank you for sharing my special day and I love all my bloggy pals. Enjoy some cookies and warm cider (Puddles is bringing the beer) and lets Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarty!!

In honor of my special day we are going to donate $1.00 for every comment to St. Annes Homeless Shelter for the Pet Area in honor of my sweet and giving pal Goose. I hope this will help some pals find their furever home.

 Loveys Sasha


JacksDad said...

What a very wonderful story. Happy Gotcha Day!

AnnStaub said...

Sasha, that is such an awesome story and I truly enjoyed reading it. I am glad that I know your story now! Happy gotcha day to you! And it is so very generous of you to make a donation for your comments! Hope you and your forever family have a wonderful weekend!

SquirrelQueen said...

Sasha, our dear friend, that is the most wonderful story of how you came to live with your Mom and Dad. As you know, all of us have been rescued in one way or another. Rescue pets are the best!

We wish you a very Happy Gotcha Day!

We'll be over soon!

Kitty Kisses,
Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew
Georgia and Adam

Sketching with Dogs said...

Happy Gotcha Day Sasha, what a wonderful Christmas present you were for your family!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Cowspotdog said...

Sweet sweet Sasha...it took awhile but you were indeed lucky to find the best ever for ever home. Happy gotcha day.

3 doxies said...

Oh dear Sasha, I nevers knew your story until today. My heart breaks knowin' you went through all dat crap...no dog should has to be tossed around. But, you certainly hit da jack pot when you founded your furever family dats fur sures. I is so happies fur you. You is so loved my furiend.
And my dog, why don't you just makes me cry withs da donation to St. Anne's! You is an incredible dog withs such a big heart.
Nows, dat I has been all mushy...let's has a toast to your special day and to St. Anne's (beer cans clickin'). Now wheres my chandelier?


bichonpawz said...

AWESOME story Sasha!!! We are so happy to have you as a friend!!! Sweet Party with rides and all!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Unknown said...

Happy Gotcha day Sasha and we are so pleased your story had such a happy ending. We love you. Wonder what Remington will give you? Love the donation idea. How kind. Have a super Saturday and pawty likes it is the end of the world, as it nearly was!
Best wishes Molly

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Happy Gotcha Day Sasha!!!!

Woo are a furry lukhky girrrrrl but of khourse we KNOW your pawrents are even lukhier!!!!


Bassetmomma said...

Just popped over from your boyfriend Remingtons to wish you a Happy Gotcha Day Sasha! What a wonderful story and how nice of you to donate to the Pet Area at St. Annes Homeless Shelter.

Anonymous said...

First up Sasha, Happy, Happy, Happy Gotcha Day, and may you have like 87 hundred more. Second up, didn't know you were a fellow rescue sister with problems like me and Susie-Belle and then there is sister Kyla, so be a proud and sassy pup we gots our own special club of girlies.

Your Pals

Pees; aren't gotcha days better the barkdays!!!

Dexter said...

Oh Miss Sasha,
I was so sad to read about your rough start in life, but they wre tears of joy when you talked about finding your forever mom and dad. You deserve the best.


The World According to Garth Riley said...

Dearest Sasha,

We are SO glad you found a wonderful forever home after all that you went through. Your parents are very kind people and I'm so glad you found them because you deserve that kind of love.

Happy Gotcha Day!!!

your pal,

Remington said...

Oh my Sweet, Sweet Sasha....it brings tears to my eyes to hear how things started out for you.... However, you now have the BEST loving, forever home a beautiful little girl like yourself could ever want....they treat you like the princess you are.... I will be over soon....just have to shovel a little more snow and have one quick game of snow football with Mike. This is going to be so much fun. See you soon, my sweet girlfriend! BIG HUG and even a little kiss....your boyfriend....Remington

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

HAPPY HAPPY YAPPY GotCha DAY to you Sasha. You are SUCH a lucky Girrrrl to have found such a magical Furever Family.

WOW what a PAWTY.. I let Ernie have a little lap of Beer when PUDDLES made the TOAST. Hope he doesn't get Tipsy and furget to go OUT to Pee. I'll watch him.
What a GRRRREAT gathering of your furends... to help you CELEBRATE your BIG DAY. The sleigh rides and the MOVIE will be super. I will TRY to keep Ernie from TALKIN all through it.
THIS is gonna be a really FUN and DELICIOUS DAY.

The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

Happy gotcha day Sasha! Wesa luvs how your story ended. Wesa think you are such a bee-u-tea-full girl and most generous, too.
Have a Happy gotcha day...AND MANY MORE!!
Your furiends (& Much Luvums),
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, & Mimi

GOOSE said...

Sweet Sweet Sasha, Happy Happy Gotcha Day! I had not heard your story before. Heart wrenching. I am so very much happy that you are were you deserve to be, in a loving forever home. And what a sweet thing to do to help out the pets who find themselves at St. Anne's. THANK YOU! Now lets parrrrrty! Save a dance for me.

Pippen said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Miss Sasha! Hope you have the best day ever!

Sam and Pippen

Unknown said...

I am so happy that your life turned out for the better! I cannot imagine going from place to place. It is wonderful that you found the best furever home there ever was! Happy Day my sweet friend!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

Millie and Walter said...

Happy Gotcha Day Sasha! I'm sure glad your story had the fantastic ending that it did. I'm very excited about the party. Mommy told me I couldn't have any of Puddles beer because I'm not old enough yet, but I'm sure I will still have a great time.


The Websters said...

Your story has the very best ending. I am so so happy that your family is so good to you and that you are at your FOREVER home.

This cider is delicious! I will need some beer and then Puddles suggested that I take you guys to siberia later. So, let's get this party started!!!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Hey GotCha Girrrrrl... this is a FANGtastic PAWty. Ernie and I are Having a BLAST.... it is soooooo good to see all of our furends... right before Christmas.
Ernie wants to know if we are allowed to have more than ONE Sleigh Ride... He LOVED IT. Remington pulls like a True Trooper.
By the way... PUDDLES is taking a "NAP" under the couch... Let Sleepin DACHSHUNDS lie. We'er just sayin.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OKAY... Let me be totally HONEST here... after ALL... Santa Paws IS WATCHING... SHE.. is Passed OUT under there. I'm just HONESTLY sayin.

Matilda the Boxer said...

That's such a sad story, but it has a WONDERFUL ending! I know your momma and daddy are thanking their lucky stars EVERY SINGLE DAY they have you in their life. Happy Gotcha Day!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Oh Sasha....your story is making me cry with hap-pee-ness! You certainly are a very lucky pup to have such a wonder-fur family who really loves you. {sniffle sniffle}


Jans Funny Farm said...

Wow, you really had a hard life. Up until you found your true family. So glad you are happy now.

Duke said...

Your story made our mom cry happy tears. Happy Gotcha Day, Sasha!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Ziggy Stardust said...

Wow what a fun pawty! Thanks for coming. Frankie, if you don't mind, can you tell Ernie that 87 sleigh rides is enough. Just sayin... I hope everyone is having fun and enjoying the possum pizza and cookies...Puddles what are you doing...Puddles, NO not the chandelier! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no, did you have to land right in the squirrel cheese dip? Everybody, start licking off Puddles please. Remington and I are gonna have a little snuggle and start the movie. Puddles you can catch up when you get cleaned off and please no more beer for her Goose, she has had enough. On to the movie now, find a snuggle partner.

Loveys Sasha

Ruby said...

Oh Puddles!! BOL!!! Burp...How many beers have we had?? Maybe some Cheetos will help soak up the alcohol....
Is there a deeesignaated drivver heeere?? Puddles and I are gonna neeeed a rideee...


pees: Oh Sasha, that is the bestest ending to a story I have ever heards!! Sorry you had to stay with so many peeps befores you found your Moms and Dads, butts I sure am glads you found eachother!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

That was a wonderful story....at least the ending was wonderful. We hope all doggies find their forever families.

Happy Gotcha Day. The cookies all look scrumptious. We don't know where to start. We'll just take one of each.

And, as there are three of us, maybe you can count this as three comments.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & roxy

Brad said...

Such a tender sad story but a fairy tail ending :)

Anonymous said...

Great party Sasha! Happy Gotcha Day!!! Those cookies look fantastic. Do you mind if I have a few more?

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I wanted to tell you how thankful I am to your pawrents for adopting you.
And now I want to say Happy Gotcha Day. I am so happy to have you for my forever friend,

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OKAY Sasha... I've got ERNIE on a SHORT walkin String... he won't be buggin Remington fur any more rides...

I got all the squirrel cheese dip licked off of Puddles... EXCEPT fur near her Poop Shooter... We all KNOW about how she can EXPLODE that thingy and I'm not gonna get near.
I'm just gonna SLIDE into my seat and enjoy the MOVIE... and eat some PopCorns...
THANKS fur havin us... and sorry about ERNIE's Bad manners and about ALL the stuffs that PUDDLES did.

Idaho PugRanch said...

What a happy ending story!! Congratulations on your special gotcha day!!

The PugRanch Kids
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Val said...

Happy Gotcha Day Miss Sasha, must say this is our first visit. We've heard lots about from Remington and Goose. Happy you found the perfect family. We hope you have a 100 more Gotcha days. P.s. so nice of you to donate to the shelter. P.s.s. that squirrel dip sure is yummy and really sticks with ya....thanks Puddles!! LOL

Reuben said...

Oh Sasha, your story brings a water to my eye. Of course I no is crying, for I is a manly sort of dog... *sniff* NOT CRYING!!! I hope you had a very wonderful gotcha day, you deserves it!

merry festivitals and love from me,

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all!

Have a wonderful Gotcha Day and a sweet and joyful Christmas!

Y'all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy Gotcha Day, sweet Sasha. You have had quite the start in life. But we know that you now have the most wonderful home of all. And what a beautiful thing you are doing for Goose's Mom's St. Anne's.

Happy Gotcha Day again and Merry Christmas from all of us.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Anonymous said...

I can't seem to get enough of your delicious cookies Sasha. You're so lucky now to have a mom who makes you cookies. I hope you don't mind if I take a few home with me. I'll just fill up this duffel bag I brought with me. Oops, I seem to have emptied all the plates. I hope you have more for all these other dogs...

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Sasha! All that bouncing around must have been tough, but you've got a wonderful furever home - and you've got cookies! :-) (Well, you did until TANK showed up! Heehee!)

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

The Airechicks said...

Fairy tails do come true it happened to you♥♥ Glad your family found you - Best Wishes♥

Dachshund Nola said...

A beautiful story! Happy Gotcha Day, Sasha!

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

So glad you found your forever hom sweet Sasha!

Your party was LOTS of fun thanks for throwing it!

Anonymous said...

Happy Gotcha Day to you, my lovely pal. You have a pawesome story too.
It is really nice of you to donate a buck for every comment :)

Checkers & Chess said...

Oh Sashy - we are so glad you are in such a wonderful furever home. We know that your mommy and daddy are making your gotcha day very, very special. We love you

Checkers & Chess

Lorenza said...

Happy Gotcha Day!
I did not know your story!
I am so happy to know you came to your forever and lovely family!
I know how much they love you!
I am sure you had a super duper day!
Kisses and hugs

Muffin :D said...

Wow, your story is so nice and I'm so glad you found a furever home! It's nice of you to donate a dollar for every comment too! Happy Gotcha Day! :D


Carol said...

Just popped over from Goose's blog.
Sasha, your a beauty with a beautiful story. Happy Gotcha Day

The silvers and more

Chicco said...

Merry Christmas dear friends
and a 2013 full of happiness and joy!!!
A big hug to all of you.
Woof, woof,

Chicco & family

Mary Lou said...

What a bittersweet story!! But then again, I like "tails" such as yours. I truly do. Sad, but with such a happy ending!! ;op
Love, Raelyn.... And Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

Sweet William The Scot said...

Well I am late dragging up the rear as usual, but I read you are giving $55 and you only had 52 comments, so here is comment 53.
You have a great life story Sasha, and I am glad you found a wonderful forever home and I am glad you are my friend.
Sweet William The Scot