Friday, November 6, 2009

I am freezing and naked and I am not feeling well tonight

Hi my pals, well I survived the Vet Lady just barely. Look what she did to me. I am naked, how embarrassing. I am also freezing and I just don't feel right tonight. Since I am also very tired I am adding a few jokes that my Uncle Dennis sent me. I hope they make you smile. Have a good weekend everydog and everyone.

Sasha has been a little under the weather since she got back from the Vet. She did get 2 shots and she has a little infection in the pads of her feet where some hair was matted. She is very quiet, but she is eating and drinking. I am hoping she will be back to normal tomorrow or I will call the Vet back. Please have some good thoughts for her. Thanks Anne
licks and sniffs, Sasha


Sally Ann and Andy said...

Sasha I hope you feel better. Mommy said your jokes were funny.
Sally Ann

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I'll be thinking warm thoughts fur her!

Please keep us pupdated!

PeeEssWoo: The pre-rinse one is still my favourite!

Par said...

Hug hug!
Keep warm and get well soon!

Piappies World said...

Hi there Sasha!
You look lovely with your haircut. Worry not, here in our world, only Scrappy and daddy Fudgie have lots of fur! Mommy is still praying mine would fluff a bit more.
Princess, Bullet, Mocha and Sugar hardly need to be trimmed. Waaaaah
Please get well soon. Love ya with or without fur! Smile away!

- Frappie & the Piappies

JacksDad said...

Sorry to hear about your shots. I hope you feel much better in the morning!

Loved the cartoons!

Scooter said...

Oh I know how you feel about the haircut. I always feel naked too and mom says I just act funny for a few days afterwards, I think it is just adjusting to it all.

But you do look good in your new cut. It will grow pretty fast, ine always does.


Asta said...

Dawling Sasha
I'm sending you a hooge basket of healing smoochie kisses .
I hope you have found something wawm and cozy to weaw to keep wawm. I still think you look bootiful all naked ow not, but snuggle wif youw mommi and feel bettew my sweet little fwiend
smoochie kisses

The Oceanside Animals said...

*good thoughts good thoughts good thoughts*

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh Sasha, we are so sorry that you are not feeling well. We will be keeping you very close in our thoughts. We hope you feel better soon.

Love you,
Judy & Miss Cindi
PS, thanks for the giggles the jokes are great.

Dexter said...

Those are most entertaining cartoons which can serve to educate humans about us doggies, right?

You look great all nekked and maybe it will help your small feet get better soon.


Clive said...

Sasha, we hope you're feeling much better! That was one haircut you got!

Loved all those jokes! The Christmas tree indoor toilet one was our favourite.

take care
Clive & Co.

Unknown said...

Hope you feel better soon Sasha! Kisses and huggs to you too!

Anonymous said...

Come on Sasha - you've been to war and back. Surely you can survive a haircut.

Your cartoons were very funny!

melissa said...

Hope Sasha gets feeling better! It's no fun when your baby is sick!

Pug(s) and Bugg said...

On no Sasha!!! I hope you get right back to normal and feeling sassy!!!! Paws crossed!

Martha said...

Oh Sasha we are sorry you are not feeling well and that you are naked!
We hope your mom is keeping your warm and cosy with soft snuggly blankies.
We liked your jokes but feel sad cos you are not well
Take care little Sasha.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxxx

TC said...

Sasha I know exactly how you feel only I didn't get the haircut till after the vets. The jokes were great, hope you get to feeling better, it will grow.

Gail Wilson said...

Don't worry sweet Sasha, I think I have heard that your coat will be beautiful again very soon. I do hope you feel better real soon so you don't have to visit the vet again...but I am glad your mom Anne took you. hugs and wags, Mistaya

Two French Bulldogs said...

Funny toons!! Even tho you are cold Sasha you look beautiful!
Warm up
Benny & Lily

Oskar said...

The jokes are funny, but my dear Sasha not feeling well is not.

I wish I could be there to cuddle you and bring you toys and treats.

I will be hoping and wishing for you to feel well soon.



Kari in Alaska said...

feel better soon!

Gizzy's Mom said...

I hope you are feeling better today. If not, send Mom out for some chicken. If you can't eat it... send it to me.

Feel better soon OK?
Grrrrrrs from Gizzy


Hi Sasha,

Sorry you are not feel sooo hot! You're not naked, just well groomed and you look very cute! A little sad, but cute!

Riley and Star.

B'ville Observer said...

Sasha you're groomer did an excellent job. Now you'll be able to wear all those stylish dog sweaters. Hope you get to feeling better soon

SEDONA said...

Hey Sasha, so sorry to hear you're not quite yourself...maybe those shots are making you feel funky. I rather like your haircut!
Thanks for the funnies, I was BOL'ing :-)
Rest up, sweet girl.
Your pal,

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

You look so cute in your haircut. We sure hope you feel better soon..
Great jokes..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Duke said...

We're sending you lots of AireZen, Sassy! We hope you feel better soon!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

I hope you feel better soon! You look very cute with your haircut! (After all my complaining, I wish Mom had my hair cut SHORTER!!!) We'll be thinking you healing thoughts.

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Family

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

OH NO!!!! Dory and I are so sorry we didn't see this until now. What happened to your hidey place...did someone rat on you??? Should I come over and growlie snarl at people for you??? Dory and I are crossing our paws lovely girl that you are already feeling better.

Growly Loves,

PS from Mama: Lots of prayers headed Sasha's way

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Thanks for the funnies - it was nice to get some chuckles in.

Sasha, we hope you are feeling better already. Mom says that her little cockapoo Shamrock used to get so upset on grooming day that she would be sick at night too. Here's hoping tomorrow is a better day for you.

Hugs, the OP Pack

Lorenza said...

I have my paws crossed for you! I hope you feel better now!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Dearest little Sasha
I am soooo sad to hear that you are not feeling well. I am so upset I cannot think. I must come to you tonight i a magic bubble. I will come and lay by you with a nice warm blankey, and I will cuddle with you.
Please try to get better. You are my Sasha and I cannot bear for you to be sicky.

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Sasha, We hope you are feeling better by today.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Unknown said...

Hey Sasha..
I think you look beautiful and thin/trim in your new doo. Your uncle Dennis is a funny man. I got my giggles in for the day. great badger game -huh?

koko said...

Hi Sasha,

I feel your coldness... and your uncle Dennis jokes is really funny. Hope you will feel better soon.

Licks, hero

Martine said...


You sure do look pretty even if yout think you are naked! We hope you feel better soon.

xo martine & the kiddlets

ocmist said...

Did they give you something to calm you down? Maybe that's why you're feeling a little low? Also, I know that you really hate that whole situation, so maybe you wore yourself out fussing? We are thinking good thoughts and Mom is saying prayers, as usual for you and your family.

On the bright side, maybe you will get some pretty new clothes to help keep you warm! I'm not into the clothes thing myself, but you are a princess, and they usually are! Would that make you feel better... and warmer? OC