Sunday, October 11, 2009

We lost :( and Camera Critters

Please go and visit Camera Critters Meme for pictures of all kinds of pets and animals.
Wisconsin lost to Ohio State. Brutus, if I wore a hat I would take it off to you. Congratulations my pal. My Daddy said words today that I have never heard before. Mommy took me outside with big Sis to decorate for Halloween, even she couldn't stand it. We will show you pictures of our decorations soon. The best I could make out Daddy kept saying *#@&!! and then @!#%* and also @**((%$, he said that one a lot. I am glad it is over now.
Please don't tell me there are any more football games on next week to worry about. What did you say Mommy, yes there are and every week for a while. Oh no #%@!!. SASHA!!! What Daddy says that all the time during football. I am in trouble I better go before I am grounded again.

Have a nice Sunday my pals and don't say sassy Daddy words. I am so tired today anyway, we had just a fun and crazy girls night. Please visit Twix's blogA Wiener Dog Blog - to see our escapades. What a night!! A Wiener Dog Blog Oh man, what was in that toilet bowl, my head is spinning.
licks and sniffs Sasha


Al said...

Hello Sashy, are you getting ready for Halloween? Me too, Oreo and I are getting all we need for it. We asked AL to make us vampire's cape arf arf!
Don't say Dad's words!

Coffee and Oreo

Martha said...

We are sorry to hear the team lost but well not everyone can win!
We just love your photos - could you be any more expressive!
We just love the way your character shines right through your photos - we think you look like a right cheeky cuteipie!!!!
love you lots
Martha & Bailey xxx

We love Luna said...

oh so sorry sweet! Maybe next time!
Adorable pictures and creative post!
Thanks sweet friend!
purrs and love

eileeninmd said...

Sasha, you will have to cover your ears during those football games. What a cutie! Thanks for sharing.

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh Sasha, I'm sorry your team lost. Next time maybe mommy can get you some earmuffs so you can't hear those words.

Did you have fun decorating for Halloween?

Hugs and purrs,
Judy & Miss Cindi Lou

Dexter said...

That is why they play many games, so that everybody gets a chance to win at least once. Don't worry.


Unknown said...

So sorry Sasha! But I'll bet the cheese was still good!

BRUTUS said...

Of course we still love you Sasha!! Maybe even more since now we have bragging rights (at least until next year)! Sorry to see you all sad, though! I gotta say, that fake field goal was pretty crafty, and your offense looked better than ours overall. Thank goodness that our defensive line has suddenly grown up and can stop pretty much anything (and score TDs better than the offense!).

Cheer up, gal - you'll always be our Sassy Sasha :)

Brutus the Frenchie

Sharon Wagner said...

You are a smart dog to only repeat the good words!

koko said...

Hi Sasha,

It's game season and those daddy words are excusable... hope you didn't get in trouble.

Licks, hero

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh Sasha
Good momma had enough sense to take you outside. Cover your ears if you hear those words again or keeping barking real loud.
Benny & Lily

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Oh Sasha,
I'm sure sorry your team lost. Maybe when daddy starts using sassy words, you could go outside.
Sally Ann

Scout and Freyja said...

Well, your team might not have won but our momma's grandson's team WON last evening against an UNDEFEATED rival 35-17, WOWZA! Momma was so happy she gave out another round of milk bones.☺

Anonymous said...

Great photos! The last one looks like she's saying "What you talkin' 'bout Willis"?

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

The last pikh khrakhks me up!

Woo were SOO the pawty girrrrl! No wonder your head is spinning!

PeeEssWoo: My mom said to tell your mom YES, Jocelyn was a sweetie - -Khuddle bug - adorable girl!

Saleslady371 said...

Oh,I miss my dog!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Mom and Dad were a bit upset too. They got to listen to the game on our way to Rhome, well until half time. They couldn't believe it when they heard the final score...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Taffy said...

Sasha, I'm so glad you had a great time last night! You know, you were the first one on the dance floor and the last one off....no wonder your dogs are barking! Weren't the Village Dawgs to die for! Quite the surprise huh? So, if we have a date night for our next outing should I have the girls ask the guys, guys ask the girls or what?
Luv ya Girlfuriend!

TC said...

Did you get CHEESE Sasha?
Sorry about the football, Mama and Daddies team lost too, Chiefs, they say they are used to it by now.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Sasha!
I have heard those HBO words here serveral times every weekend!
I tell my mom is just a game but she does not understand!
Kisses and hugs

Oakley and Swisher said...

Haha, our mom says always says those words during football too. Don't go repeating them and getting grounded.

Lots of Licks,
Oak and Swish

Duke said...

We're sorry Wisconsin lost, Sasha! It sounds like our dads both yell the same HBO words!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Hey Sasha, there is always next week. Just be glad you aren't trying to root for the KC Chiefs:(

We had a blast with you and the other girls at the pawty - hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

Play bows, Thunder and Phantom

Historical sites with charmine said...

Sasha,You are so expressive and your mom is great at snaping you out.I love all your snaps espl the 1st one.Sad your team lost.Those words look like a new computer code,but that's for humans only.haha!Are you giving mom the evil eye in that last pic?Oh,forgive her sasha she loves you dearly.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Sorry your team lost Sasha. Mama is really scared for her teams this weekend cause she will not be able to watch them....But you need to stick by your Daddy (maybe with ear plugs) cause our humans need us as a calming influence during these games!!


Oskar said...

Oh Sasha I have missed you. My mom person has been doing "college" and not keeping me up on my important visits to you. I'm sorry your team lost, but at least it was to our good friend Brutus.

I'm going to check out what happened at that party!