Hi my Pals, I am so excited that I got my Chewy.com order for the month.
When Mommy orders I sit and wait by the door and they are so fast so I don't have to wait long.
Take that picture quick, cause I am digging right in.
Holy Dogs, all the goodness, the smells, I can't stand it.
I can't decide what to open first.
Mommy loves the treats called "pill pockets".
I don't know why she does, but who cares I am crazy about them.
She said something about them being full of goodness.
Thank you Chewy, they are gonna be lip smacking good.
I am usually a soft snack kind of gal, but the" Happy Hearts "chicken jerky is wonderful and " Happy Hips "banana chips covered in duck jerky send me to the moon.
Chewy day is always a good day for me.
Thank you to all of you for all the love, prayers and support for my Daddy. I wish I could tell you he is getting better but he isn't so please keep it coming. This is 3 weeks in "infenced-in-care".
POTP will help, it always has.
Paw Out My Pals
Loveys Sasha