Monday, April 30, 2012

Mommy says Thanks

Hi my pals and Mommy says thank you for all the wonderful birthday wishes. We had a very fun weekend. Thanks to all of you that stopped by for cake. I don't know why but Mommy didn't care too much for the 3 Dog Bakery cake, but that was more for us, so no worries. I am tired and am going to spend Monday resting.

Guess what???? I found out how old my Mommy is. He-he-he-haw-haw-hawwwwwwwwwwwww

Have a great day!

Loveys Sasha

 p.s. Mommy is coming and I don't think she will like this.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Today is a very special day for me. It is my Mommy's birthday!!! She won't tell me how old she is(pretty old I think),but she is my best friend and I love her more than anyone. She is so patient with me, even when I am sassy and she loves me no matter what.

I ordered her a cake from 3 Dog Bakery, I hope she likes it, I know I will. We are celebrating on Sunday at Red Lobster. Please feel free to stop by in the evening for cake and fun. We will play some games, Mommy loves WII, especially Mario Party. I hope you can come. My Dad will be happy to escort anyone home that needs help.

 Happy Birthday Mommy

 Loveys Sasha

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Sasha Treat Review

Hi my Pals, I found a new snack and I wanted to share my review with you.

They are by "Milk Bone" and it is a yummy trail mix.
Here is a close up of them. There is sweet potato, beefy and a crunchy biscuit. 


They are very small so I recommend them for smaller doggies like me cause bigger doggies might eat the whole bag for one treat.
I don't know why they are called "Milk Bones" and I asked Mommy for some milk with them, but she said "Sashy you know that milk makes you gassy". Ok Mom sorry I asked. I like the sweet potato the best and then beefy. I like to take the little crunchy biscuit and hide them around the house for later. I put one in Mommy's slipper and boy was she surprised when she put them on(giggles). I hide them behind the couch and in the couch. You never know when you might need a snack. That way if I am sassy and Mommy says "no treats for you Missy" I can just go and find one that's hidden and she will be none the wiser(giggles more).

Loveys Sasha

p.s. I hope she doesn't read this post

Wordless Wednesday


Loveys Sasha

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Hope for our pals! POTP

< Hi my pals, today I am thinking about some of our pals that are having sicky problems lately. I am crossing paws and Mommy is praying. Weenie @  MONA, WEENIE AND THE MOMMY TOO!! is having problems with something called pancreatitis, I don't exactly know what it is but I know Weenie had to go to the doctor and get shots and stuff. I hope he feels better soon.
April and Bailey @ Da Weenies of Florida are also having some bad sickies and need lots of love and support. 

I am sending magic bubbles to all of them filled with love and hope and good feelings and of course hugs
I also think a lot about K @ Romping and Rolling in the Rockies K is such an inspiration in his battle with bad sickies.

I know there are more pals out there, but today I am dedicating my blog to these and hoping things get better for all of them. I love my pals and we all need love. 

"God puts rainbows in the clouds so that each of us--in the dreariest and most dreaded moments--can see a possibility of hope."~Maya Angelou

"Once you choose hope, anything is possible"~Christopher Reeve

Loveys Sasha

Monday, April 23, 2012

Its Monday

Hi my pals, I hope you all had a great weekend. I had a blast just relaxing with my Peeps. My Sister took me for some pawsome walks and we had plenty of playtime. My Mommy made homemade pizza on Sunday night. What more can I ask for??

Now I need some rest. Happy Monday!

Loveys Sasha

Friday, April 20, 2012

I Got Mail!!!!!

Hi my pals, I am the happiest pup in the world today. Mommy and I went out to get the mail from the Maillady,( she gives me a biscuit, even if I bark at her, isn't that cool) and guess what ????? There was a package for ME and it was from(feeling a little light headed) my handsome and thoughtful friend Remington.


Here I am modeling my new dress, I am trying to look very sophisticated.

I am truly "happy to be me" today and everyday(but today is special).

Thank you Remington for making my day. You are so special and thoughtful and I am so lucky to know you. I have more pictures with my new "bling" on but I am saving those for another post.

 Loveys Sasha

 p.s. Thank you to Mayor Frankie also as he is the one who suggested that Remington and I go to the Valentine Pawty. I will always be your humble servant Frankie!

p.s.s. Do you think Remington thinks I am kind of "special"? I have never felt this way before. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Mommies and flashy beasts!!! Sheeeeesh

My Pals do you ever have one of these days with your Peeps??
Trying to sleep here, please stop pointing that thing at me.
Seriously back off, I am not in the mood today. I am tired after all that birthday partying the past few days. I need my sleep. Please don't make me do it!!
Too late, you asked for it. The Sashy stink eye!!! Now let me sleep please

 Loveys Sasha

 p.s. sweet dreams my pals

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Happy Barkday to April and Get Well Wishes

Hi my pals today,  I am dedicating my blog to Amber and her family. Frankie and Ernie @had a nice post about events going on over there  and they asked pals to spread the word, which I am so happy to do. Today is April's barkday and she is having some health problems that are keeping her Mom pretty worried. Her brother Benji is also having health problems and they all need love and hugs and prayers. Happy Happy Barkday to April!!! AMBER's BLOG

I am sending magic bubbles and love and hugs and then more love to all of you. My paws are crossed and I am hoping my biggest hope that everything is ok. Mommy is praying for you also.

I hope you all have a great day celebrating with April

Loveys Sasha

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Many Sides of Sasha

Hi my pals, we are having a crazy windy Monday here. I hope you are all safe and having a good day. I hope you enjoy seeing me from all sides(or Mommy just got crazy with the camera day as I prefer to call it).

The End

 Loveys Sasha

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Happy Saturday

Hi my pals and I hope you are all having a wonderful day. Well as you can see I did survive Friday the 13th and thanks for all the good advice. I know now that I was just being silly. The next Friday the 13th is in 13 weeks and it has been 13 weeks since the last one. I thought that was kind of interesting. I am off to the pawk now with my Sister to play and run and chase and roll in the grass. I can't wait, it is kind of rainy looking so I hope it holds out for playtime.

My Sister has something called a "kite". I am not sure what that is yet, but if she gets it working I will show you pictures. It has to go up in the sky, I just hope she doesn't accidentally send me up with it. Have a great weekend.

 Loveys Sasha

 p.s. Remington I am taking my football in case you happen to be around, stop by(blushing). I hope that wasn't too forward of me.

Friday, April 13, 2012

My Pals its Friday the 13th. I am slightly superstitious, but even if you aren't, please watch your back. I am curling up and staying in bed all day. Stay away from me you evil Friday the 13th whatever you are, scary thingy you.
Friday the 13th Myths:
 • If you cut your hair on Friday the 13th, someone in your family will die.
 • A child born on Friday the 13th will be unlucky for life.
 • If a funeral procession passes you on Friday the 13th, you will be the next to die.
 Read more: http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1879288,00.html#ixzz1rtXhJoAP 
Loveys Sasha

 p.s. Be careful

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Monday, April 9, 2012

The Bunny Came to my House!

Hi my pals, I hope you all had a wonderful Easter Sunday filled with blessings!!! We had a great day and I not only one, but two baskets. OMD I am so happy and so relieved all the worrying for nothing. I woke up bright and early and I never did see that Easter Bunny but he must have been here. I am so excited in the first picture that I couldn't hold still for a picture.
Here I am in the midst of everyones baskets, even my Sister and her Boyfriend got baskets. The green long skinny toy is mine. It is very squeaky and I love it.
The Bunny tried to trick me by putting some of my treats inside these magic eggs, but I am no dummy and got them out as fast as you can chase a squirrel up a tree.
I had to take a rest in between all the excitement and had a nice dream about playing with bunnies.
Here I am guarding my basket , which is behind me and was full of treats(pupperoni, bacon treats and jerkey). I am also guarding Sisters basket which is full of girly stuff which I hope she doesn't try to use on me. I am the guarder of the baskets!
Happy Monday

Loveys Sasha

p.s. There were also some different brown little round candies all over from the Easter Bunny but Mommy wouldn't let me have those. Whatever Mom

Friday, April 6, 2012

The Easter Bunny

Hi my pals, I hope you all have a great day today! I wanted to show you my treasures from last years Easter basket. I am a little nervous about this year. I haven't been totally good all year. Do you think he knows like Santa?? I did kind of accidently bite my Mommy and even one time my Daddy. I gave them kisses and apologized and they forgave me so I think I should be ok. I love my Easter treats so I really, really, really hope for more this year.
My pals, do any of you worry about getting Easter treats?? The hardest part for me is to resist the urge to chase him out of my house. I mean, it is a bunny after all. It doesn't seem fair, but I am gonna try very hard cause I want my treats.  Happy Easter weekend and I hope you all get treats .

Loveys Sasha

p.s. Do you thing he knows about the accident I had behind the couch?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Shelter from the Storms

Hi my pals, we have had some storms lately so I wanted to show you how I prepare for them. I don't like to admit it, but I am so afraid of storms and the loud noises. I get very nervous and look for places to hide. I have tried hiding under the sink in the bathroom, but there is lots of Mommy and Sisters girly junk in there so its a tight fit and Mommy worries I will get hurt on something.
I have found recently that my tunnel is a good shelter. It is nice and snuggy, comfy and the noises aren't as loud in here.
I was so snuggy in here that Mommy turned out the light and let me sleep.
What do you do when there is a storm?I am always looking for advice.I don't do well with storm shirts,cause, well I just don't do clothes. Mommy did get some calming herbal chews from my Vetlady and lately those have been helping.
Have a safe day.

Loveys Sasha

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Come Giggle With Me

Hi my pals, I hope you are all doing super terrific pawsome today. I would like to share some cartoons Mommy and I found and we hope they make you smile real big.
Have a great day!

Loveys Sasha

Monday, April 2, 2012


Hi my pals and I hope you all had a nice weekend. I was kind of busy taking care of my Mommy who had the sickies. She is getting better and says thanks for all of the well wishes. They helped a lot and I gave her lots of loveys

I would like to pass on a review of a new product Mommy found me. I am crazy for Pupperoni, it is my favorite snack in the world, next to cheese of course. Mommy found me a new kind of Pupperoni called"Pupperoni Mix Stix", they have applewood-smoked bacon(the best) and real egg. My review is that they are YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMY.  Please try them if you can and let me know if you do. Well I am off to see to Mommy so I hope to read your blogs soon.

Loveys Sasha